Principal's Welcome

What does it mean to be a Tennis Avenue player?

It means that you have laid down your marker: the clear intention to become a tennis player. Nothing worthwhile is achieved without deliberate intent, and you have taken the first important step; you are no longer playing tennis part-time or "seeing how it goes", you are going all out for it.

It means nothing is impossible for you and no challenge is too difficult. However, you understand the risks involved and the importance of a good education and good qualifications.

It means you train outdoors in all weather conditions without excuses or complaints, making you tough and resilient. You are never a victim of circumstance, and you are grateful for all that you have. You embrace adversity as your opportunity to grow.

It means you have the courage to be unconventional and step away from the herd to take a less trodden path. You think independently and remain steadfast and dignified when faced with criticism or skepticism.

It may even mean that you feel let down by a system that does not work for you. Well, we are entirely independent of any system and if you are a fighter, you have found your home and the people who will fight with you and for you to the end - win or lose.

Miss. Ilge Alpay LLB (Hons)

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