Our Identity
Aesop: "United we stand,
divided we fall"
As aspiring leaders in a democratic society, we seek common ground over division, love over hate, and social responsibility over entitlement.
Our collective identity, CHAMP, encapsulates the qualities we nurture in every pupil: Confidence, Honour, Aspiration, Mettle, and Poise.
Diversity enriches our community, but it is this shared identity - our unity as CHAMPs - that define and empower us. We reject social division of any kind.
We are Confident
We act decisively, take calculated risks, and face challenges with assurance. We step beyond our comfort zones with the self-belief that is the foundation for striving toward excellence.
We are Honourable
We uphold integrity and respect in all of our endeavours. We treat others with fairness and dignity, attracting trust and demonstrating exemplary manners and behaviour at all times.
We are Aspirational
We set highly ambitious goals and work relentlessly to achieve them. We embrace challenges and excel beyond expectations, always driven by a sense of purpose and determination.
We show Mettle
We face adversity with courage, perseverance and fighting spirit. Our resilience and grit enable us to grow stronger and highly capable, prepared to navigate life’s challenges with steely focus.
We conduct ourselves with Poise
We remain calm, composed, and graceful under severe pressure. Our sense of perspective allows us to approach situations with clarity and confidence, enabling us to maintain our mental balance in any situation.