
  • In most cases, no more than 5-8 students per class
  • Hybrid on-site / online classrooms enable students to travel to tournaments and not miss lessons
  • Our classes are ability-based and not age-based, subject by subject, enabling students to learn at their own pace
  • Primary Lower, Primary Upper

      (Y4, Y5, Y6)

  • Pre-GCSE 1, Pre-GCSE 2, Pre-GCSE 3

      (Y7, Y8, Y9)

  • GCSE Lower, GCSE Upper

       (Y10, Y11)


  • The core academic curriculum is delivered over 35 weeks in the year, and the calendar is optimised to fit around times of greatest tournament activity. This corresponds loosely with the term dates of most independent schools

  • Tennis training is delivered over 48 weeks in the year. During school holiday periods students may optionally attend training whenever they are not attending tournaments

  • There are four rest weeks in the year, when students are advised to take complete rest, go on holiday, and switch off!


  • The school day starts at 8am and ends at 5:30pm and this includes both academic lessons and tennis training. No need to attend training after school, allowing for much needed rest and recovery.

  • There are six sessions of 1 hour duration each through the day, with ten minute breaks and lunch. Usually this is divided into three academic lessons and three tennis sessions.

  • There is an additional physical fitness session on four of the days each week and a mental fitness session on one day, to complete a comprehensive elite-level training programme.
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